as we're watching rick warren's video regarding our first purpose in life, and that is, to worship God... one of his words had an impact to me... and that is metamorphosis... yes, it's the life cycle of the butterfly... metamorphosis... rick warren briefly tackled the stages - from a cocoon, to an ugly bug, to a beautiful butterfly.. the word ugly striked me... our Christian life is like metamorphosis... transformation... just think of the butterfly... at first, it's just a crawling little creature that we just don't mind... afterwards, it will be covered by a chrysalis... we may think that it's ugly because of its appearance... but after enduring few days, it will become a beautiful butterfly... at first, we are like the caterpillar... we are just small and we're like babies... crawling, searching for God... afterwards, we'll be molded by God.. refined, covered by His wings... and this is the "ugly" point of our lives... this is the time of wa...
Simple but not ordinary