as i was about to have my devotion this morning... hehehe that's the title of the devotional....
we all know that God is with us... God fights FOR us... but are you familiar with God fighting against us..?
God will fight against us if...
* sometimes God teaches us new things... sometimes after being taught, we'll realize that we [by ourselves alone] can do it.. sometimes consciously or unconsciously.. that's when pride creeps in... that's why God would allow us to experience defeat because HE WANTS US TO COME BACK TO HIM... HE FIGHTS TO BRING US BACK... we sometimes think that God's favor is not with us... because He is fighting against us... but He purposed that for us to come back to Him... and just experience His loving arms.... once again.. because you can only experience genuine satisfaction, and comfort and love IN CHRIST ALONE..
return to Him today...
God's hand of discipline is a hand of love
we all know that God is with us... God fights FOR us... but are you familiar with God fighting against us..?
God will fight against us if...
- we will give our affections to other gods.... [you know that it's not just a god made of wood... but other gods that's everywhere... you can worship that without you knowing that you're already worshiping a 'god']
- if our own hearts wander away from God.. we can count on Him to fight against us
- if we become proud and self-assured, if reading God's Word and spending time in prayer seem like a waste of time, God will step in and deal with us...
- He permits us to experience defeat so that we will listen to Him when He says, "Rend your heart, and not your garments; return to the LORD your God for He is gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and of great kindness" (Joel 2:13).
- He fights to bring us back.. His way.. [isn't that sweet...?] =)
* sometimes God teaches us new things... sometimes after being taught, we'll realize that we [by ourselves alone] can do it.. sometimes consciously or unconsciously.. that's when pride creeps in... that's why God would allow us to experience defeat because HE WANTS US TO COME BACK TO HIM... HE FIGHTS TO BRING US BACK... we sometimes think that God's favor is not with us... because He is fighting against us... but He purposed that for us to come back to Him... and just experience His loving arms.... once again.. because you can only experience genuine satisfaction, and comfort and love IN CHRIST ALONE..
return to Him today...
God's hand of discipline is a hand of love