Is there not a cause?I Sam. 17:29
When the nation is crushed under the heel of the tyranny of corruption, is there not a cause?
When fathers and mothers, sons and daughters flee to other shores to work as slaves in brothels, as educated domestics doing menial chores – is there not a cause?
When the brightest minds and the most promising young professionals excel and progress in other countries but have no opportunities to bloom to full potential in their own – is there not a cause?
When hopelessness grips the hearts of the old and only darkness looms on the horizon for the young, is there not a cause?
When greed and dishonesty in public service is the norm and integrity and honesty are deemed foolish, is there not a cause?
Is there not a cause, o young and old revolutionaries, to lift up the banner of Christ and take a stand in holiness and purity so that light becomes distinguishable from darkness?
Is this not a cause worthy for us to give our lives to – to see Jesus and His kingdom established on the earth so that His glory is revealed among us – is this not a cause?
When a young child’s body is gripped with hunger and driven to drugs – is there not a cause?
When churches fail in brotherly love, disobedient to Christ’s command to lay down one’s life for a brother or sister, is there not a cause?
When giants of powerlessness and apathy fill the church pews, when so-called Christians live mediocre lives – no different from the ways of the world – is there not a cause?
Is this not a cause worthy to live for, to walk worthy of the One who called us – destroying strongholds of wickedness and executing God’s judgments through our holy lives – is this not a cause?
Now is the time.
Now is the season.
When radical change is no longer a choice but an imperative – when there are no other options open – is there not a cause?
Take up your holy weapons.
They have the power to throw down strongholds. Forge them in the altar of sacrifice and temper them with your river of tears.
In the midst of sufferings, learn to obeyAnd when troubles come, do not doubt.
There is One who leads in holy garmentsHis robes drenched in the blood of sacrifice
Arise, young man, young womanStrengthen your knees, o wise ones.
There is One who calls and rallies His armyto slay Goliaths in this day.
No ground shall be surrendered – we shall occupy!No gates shall stand before Him.
Yes. There is a cause.
Gather to me my consecrated ones, those who have made a covenant with me through sacrifice… Psa 50:5.
jesus revolution convergence.. november 2-5 araneta coliseum..