I've been through the wilderness for the past months and I've learned a lot of things.. . One is to be at peace and to just endure even when you don't know what's happening. Surely He has a plan and for sure, you'll learn a lot.
The decision to resign to the previous company I worked with was hard. I really hate goodbyes but I have to obey. It's clear. I wanted to think logically like if I stay until August or September, I'll still have enough means to live by before school (since I'm planning to take up my masters). But His words are so clear.. . Go. I need to resign. I need to be faith-full! Even if I don't know what's going to happen, where I'll get the funds to go to church everytime I need to, to buy RJ a birthday gift, to somehow have something inside my wallet and other whatnots, I just decided to entrust everything to Him. He knows what's best. And He's up for something great! I remained at peace and by His Grace I can say I did not worry (it's not really me!).
And just one common night (last night), while I was just doing the common things I'm doing (facebook-ing, playing pc games, haha!), I received a text from a friend. She's working as a private nurse in a house nearby (nearby lang talaga kasi it's one block away from our house). She said, the family's looking for another nurse and if I'm available, I can drop by (today) for an interview... Whew! I really don't know what to say! I don't know what's gonna happen. I thought of the Single's Retreat this coming November.. . I really want to attend the retreat. And I don't want any job to hinder that. So I prayed =) I told my friend I'll try to drop by. If it's His will, the schedule will be okay and I won't miss the Youth Night and my VGroup and the Sunday Service and the Single's Retreat.
Segue: I also remembered last Saturday, while we were praying before ending our Vgroup, Mel uttered a prayer for Ate Nympha and I.. . she asked God to provide a job for the both of us. I was like, "wow, so sweet.. . I never thought of really asking for a job because I believe He will bless me. I'm just enjoying the peace I have by just looking at Him.. ."
Then I went to the house this morning for an interview. And hoooooh! I stayed to observe =) Until tomorrow. Then I'll start on Thursday =). I'll be on duty every Thursdays and Fridays. Morning shift 8-5 =) whew!
Whew! Whew! Whew! Indeed He knows what's inside our hearts even before we ask for it. If you mind His business, He will mind your business. -wink-
Special thanks to Melissa and Rica ^^, You guys are His blessings!