i've been reading this long-time favorite book of mine [it was my favorite even though haven't even read it... =)] and i just would like to post some of my favorite lines.. nyahahahahaha... "you have searched for true love in your own way. But My ways are not your ways. I want to script a beautiful tale just for you, but first, you must trust Me with the pen of this precious area in your life. Will you let Me write your love story???" [hmmmmmm... everyone dreams of that "something".. to have that perfect love story.. but unless we give the pen to our Creator... then and there we'll be able to experience that kind of story...] God created us with a desire for companionship. He designed us to intensely long for intimacy - spiritual, emotional, and yes, even physical. He did not make us this way and provide with us these longings as a form of cruel torture, but as the most perfect gift He could possibly give us... [yeah!] If you really desire to one day d...
Simple but not ordinary