Revival is the renewal of your spiritual life
*When is revival needed?
-When the love of God's people has grown cold
-Lack of concern
-Hiding or covering secret sins
-Animosity among church members
-Unforgiving spirit
-Being filled with pride
-When we are less than what we were before
*Dangers in our need for revival
-Often spiritual deterioration comes without awareness
-We are not aware of our need
-Flesh will fight against revival
*What kind of revival do we need?
-Revival that will resurrect this church (not the building)
-Revival that will rekindle old fires
>Revive us again means there have been revivals before
>Christian life is made of many beginnings
--Not like hooking on to a hot air balloon
--Journey with mountain top and valley
-We need revival that will restore joy and victory to the child of God
>There are too many defeated Christians today
>Too many are discouraged
>Many have backslidden
>The joy of the Lord is our strength (that should be it)
*Do you remember better days?
-The day when you dedicated yourself to the Lord
-The day when you are expecting greater things from God
-Days when you couldn't think of missing church to go to a ball game or some kind
-When you don't look for some excuse why you can't serve the Lord
(Look for someone who will love you and guide you)
-Only God can send revival
-Face spiritual realities
-We need to see ourselves as we are
-Acknowledge God and quit playing games
-You must see sin for what it is & confess, repent and forsake it
*We must desire to be revived
-Usually we don't want it bad enough to make any difference
-Isaiah 55:6-7
-God wants to send revival to those who genuinely need it
-Personal revival: Revival is getting right with God
-Home revival: Families getting back to the place they need to be in
--Psalm 85.6-7 Will You not revive us again.. .?
How can you praise God when you are not revived???
Notes from Pastor Kris
SMB October Praise
(Samahan ng May Bagong Buhay)
Thank You Lord for the reminder and for a new perspective.. . Indeed revival is not about crying and singing and crying and singing.. .It's about having a renewed spiritual life.. . that will make a difference.. .