.... an honest voice us louder than the crowd... _legally blonde 2_ ............... hmmm... [got blocked out... nanaman.... ] hehehe.... .............. excerpts from ablaze for God... at times, satan seems able to cast a shadow of darkness over you as you pray and try to minister for GOd. He seems able to block all awareness on your part for a time fo God's presence and power. Is this your experience today? Don't be alarmed be these faith moments. Hold steady and pray; labor on in total dependence on God's power even when you cannot see or feel it at work. as certainly as you ahve sensed God's presence and power in the past, just so certainly you will sense it again. You are in the midst of a conflict with the power of darkness. Your experience is not unique. GOd's choicest saints have at times had days, weeks, and even months of such darkness. But GOd's answer always come again. don't try to get off the train while you are going through the tunnel. You a...
Simple but not ordinary