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Showing posts from October, 2009

why is multiply the best?

Because it really adjusts itself for its users.. . Multiply now has the online seller account!!! ^^ It's not in their terms and conditions pala (hehe di ko alam na bawal un).. . but since there are many online sellers, they created an option under account settings for you to tick the checkbox if you are an online seller! Whoopee! I heart you multiply!

will You not revive us again.. .?

Revival is the renewal of your spiritual life *When is revival needed? -When the love of God's people has grown cold -Complacency -Lack of concern -Hiding or covering secret sins -Animosity among church members -Unforgiving spirit -Being filled with pride -When we are less than what we were before *Dangers in our need for revival -Often spiritual deterioration comes without awareness -We are not aware of our need -Flesh will fight against revival *What kind of revival do we need? - Revival that will resurrect this church (not the building) - Revival that will rekindle old fires >Revive us again means there have been revivals before >Christian life is made of many beginnings --Not like hooking on to a hot air balloon --Journey with mountain top and valley - We need revival that will restore joy and victory to the child of God >There are too many defeated Christians today >Too many are discouraged >Many have backslidden >...

for the past months.. .

I've learned that... ... you can never fathom His mind.. . (so true.. .I've been thinking for quite sometime "this may be it" but it's not.. . ) ...the more you empty yourself before the Lord, the more He can move in your life and work wondrously ^^'s always all about Him.. . not His work, not your work, but your relationship with Him.. . may have some good things in mind.. but He has greater things in His heart for you ^^ (sweet!) ...patience is a virtue (as always.. . ) ...before He can give you something, your heart should be tuned His way.. .'s not about the destination.. .it's about the journey (you'll get there anyways)'s all about faith.. . that He will give you what He promised to give to you ^^ ...when you don't know what to do, just worship Him (even if you don't have any words to say.. .) is soooo sweet.. . it can really help you commune with God.. .